New Entrance Doors to Prodesse Court
As part of Wigan and Leigh Homes' (WALH) continued commitment to maintain the integrity of their care and security systems, we successfully tendered for the upgrade of this Warden Call, Access Control and Automatic Doors Project.

Advent XT Managers Touchscreen Admin Display Panel
The main focus was to upgrade the warden call and door entry system to Tynetec's integrated Advent XT product while still maintaining a care provision for the tenants. This was achieved by first of all installing a temporary pendant system which extended to all properties on the grouped housing scheme. This allowed us to deactivate the old system and start our upgrade.
We pointed out items on the tender that could be omitted in order to save costs to our client and identified a practical work schedule that allowed us to complete the works quickly but also with the minimum disruption to the tenants in their homes.
The next step was to install and commission the access control system. We have identified VOLO as the ideal solution for this, our cloud based systems gives all the functions of a conventional access control system but without the restriction of a fixed PC or reliance on the clients' network. Using a GSM roaming SIM card, the VOLO modem will lock onto the strongest mobile service provider and ensure 24/7 live connectivity to the cloud and various members of WALH can access the software from their PC, table or smartphone.

VOLO Access Controlled Door
Access Levels and Time zones were set up so that staff can access the communal property when they are permitted but only the Scheme manager and Senior staff can access the Office and staff areas. The system integrated easily with the Advent XT and also the Automatic Doors. As access was an important provision for this, we also guided our client to use the Vanderbilt Hands Free Reader and Cotag active keyring tokens to access the site. This combination gives a one metre read range allowing the tenants to open the door without needing to pull their keys out of their pockets, truly a hands free solution. Best of all these third party readers link seamlessly with the VOLO so that all benefits of a VOLO system can be extended to this door just like any other.

Vanderbilt Hands Free Reader integrated with the Bi-Folding Doors
The final parts of the upgrade was the Automatic Doors. Following the successful installation at Brookdale Court, WALH had requested a Sliding door solution once more. However, due to the site layout and the narrow opening on the site, we advised the client and their consultants that this would not be possible. Still, we could propose an alternative that will achieve the same result. The Record UK Bi-Folding Door set allows the slide movement and aesthetic finish desired but maximise the space to give the optimum clearance width to pass through. Once again, Andy Miles of WALH was "very impressed" with the solution provided.
This project is a fine example of how AGS Tech can bring together a range of equipment to provide a complete package that not only meets but also exceeds the needs and expectations of our client, while still finding ways to offer economical savings.
Technical Details
Tynetec Advent XT Warden Call and Door Entry
ICON Fortivoice PBX - Internal Telephone System complete with DECT Handset
VOLO Access Control
Record UK Bi-Folding Doors
AICO 230V Smoke Detectors